Logistic Regression

MSSC 6250 Statistical Machine Learning

Dr. Cheng-Han Yu
Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Marquette University

Binary Logistic Regression

Non-Gaussian and Non-continuous Response

  • In many applications, the response or error term are nonnormal.

    • Binary response: how an online banking system determine whether or not a transaction is fraudulent based on the user’s IP address.
    • Count response: how weather conditions affect the number of users of a bike sharing program during a particular hour of the day.
  • Besides normal, the response in a generalized linear model (GLM) can be Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, etc.

  • There is no assumption that \(\mathrm{Var}(y_i)\) is homogeneous: Both \(E(y_i)\) and \(\mathrm{Var}(y_i)\) may vary with the regressors from data point to data point.

  • Ordinary least squares does not apply when the response is not normal.


  • Linear regression assumes that the response \(Y\) is numerical.
  • In many situations, \(Y\) is categorical.
  • A process of predicting categorical response is known as classification.

Normal vs. COVID vs. Smoking

fake news vs. true news

Regression Function \(f(x)\) vs. Classifier \(C(x)\)


Soft and Hard Classifiers

Two popular approaches when modeling binary data

  • Soft classifiers
    • Estimate the conditional probabilities \(Pr(Y = k \mid {\bf X})\) for each category \(k\).
    • Use \(\mathbf{1}\{Pr(Y \mid {\bf X}) > c \}\) for classification, where \(c \in(0, 1)\) is a threshold or cutoff.
    • e.g. logistic regression
  • Hard classifiers
    • Directly estimate the classification decision boundary
    • e.g. support vector machines

Classification Example

Given the training data \(\{(x_i, y_i)\}_{i=1}^n\), we build a classifier to predict whether people will default on their credit card payment \((Y)\) yes or no, based on monthly credit card balance \((X)\).

Why Not Linear Regression

\[Y =\begin{cases} 0 & \quad \text{if not default}\\ 1 & \quad \text{if default} \end{cases}\]

  • \(Y = \beta_0 + \beta_1X + \epsilon\), \(\, X =\) credit card balance

What are potential issues with this dummy variable approach?

  • \(\hat{Y} = b_0 + b_1X\) estimates \(P(Y = 1 \mid X) = P(default = yes \mid balance)\), which is equivalent to linear discriminant analysis (LDA) discussed later.

  • However,

Why Not Linear Regression?

  • Probability estimates can be outside \([0, 1]\).

Why Not Linear Regression?

  • Linear regression generally cannot handle more than two categories.

\[Y =\begin{cases} 1 & \quad \text{stroke}\\ 2 & \quad \text{drug overdose} \\ 3 & \quad \text{epileptic seisure} \end{cases}\]

  • The coding

    • suggests an ordering epileptic seisure \(>\) drug overdose \(>\) stroke
    • implies that stroke \(-\) drug overdose \(=\) drug overdose \(-\) epileptic seizure.

Binary Logistic Regression

  • First predict the probability of each category of \(Y\)
  • Predict probability of default using a S-shaped curve.

Framing the Problem: Binary Responses

We use normal distribution for numerical \(y\). What distribution we can use for binary \(y\) that takes value 0 or 1?

  • Each outcome default \((y = 1)\) and not default \((y = 0)\) is a Bernoulli variable. But,
  • The probability of “success” \(\pi\) is not constant but varies with predictor values!

\[ y_i \mid x_i \stackrel{indep}{\sim} \text{Bernoulli}(\pi_i = \pi(x_i)) = \text{binomial}(m=1,\pi = \pi_i) \]

  • \(X =\) balance. \(x_1 = 2000\) has a larger \(\pi_1 = \pi(2000)\) than \(\pi_2 = \pi(500)\) with \(x_2 = 500\)
  • Credit cards with a higher balance are more likely to be defaulted.

Logistic Function

Instead of predicting \(y_i\) directly, we use the predictors to model its probability of success, \(\pi_i\).

But how?

  • Transform \(\pi \in (0, 1)\) into a variable \(\eta \in (-\infty, \infty)\). Then construct a linear predictor on \(\eta\): \(\eta_i = \mathbf{x}_i'\boldsymbol \beta\)
  • Logit function: For \(0 < \pi < 1\)

\[\eta = \text{logit}(\pi) = \ln\left(\frac{\pi}{1-\pi}\right)\]

Logit function \(\eta = \text{logit}(\pi) = \ln\left(\frac{\pi}{1-\pi}\right)\)

Logistic Function

  • The logit function \(\eta = \text{logit}(\pi) = \ln\left(\frac{\pi}{1-\pi}\right)\) takes a value \(\pi \in (0, 1)\) and maps it to a value \(\eta \in (-\infty, \infty)\).
  • Logistic function: \[\pi = \text{logistic}(\eta) = \frac{1}{1+\exp(-\eta)} \in (0, 1)\]
  • The logistic (sigmoid) function takes a value \(\eta \in (-\infty, \infty)\) and maps it to a value \(\pi \in (0, 1)\).
  • Once \(\eta\) is estimated by the linear regression, we use the logistic function to transform \(\eta\) back to the probability.

Logistic (Sigmoid) Function \(\pi = \text{logistic}(\eta) = \frac{1}{1+\exp(-\eta)}\)

Logistic Regression Model

For \(i = 1, \dots, n\) and with \(p\) predictors: \[Y_i \mid \pi_i({\bf x}_i) \stackrel{indep}{\sim} \text{Bernoulli}(\pi_i), \quad {\bf x}_i' = (x_{i1}, \dots, x_{ip})\] \[\text{logit}(\pi_i) = \ln \left( \frac{\pi_i}{1 - \pi_i} \right) = \eta_i = \beta_0+\beta_1 x_{i1} + \cdots + \beta_p x_{ip} = {\bf x}_i'\boldsymbol \beta\]

  • The \(\eta_i = \text{logit}(\pi_i)\) is a link function that links the linear predictor and the mean of \(Y_i\).

\[\small E(Y_i) = \pi_i = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-{\bf x}_i'\boldsymbol \beta)}\] \[\small \hat{\pi}_i = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-{\bf x}_i'\hat{\boldsymbol \beta} )}\]

Default Data in ISLR2

data("Default"); head(Default, 10)
   default student balance income
1       No      No     730  44362
2       No     Yes     817  12106
3       No      No    1074  31767
4       No      No     529  35704
5       No      No     786  38463
6       No     Yes     920   7492
7       No      No     826  24905
8       No     Yes     809  17600
9       No      No    1161  37469
10      No      No       0  29275
'data.frame':   10000 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ default: Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ student: Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 ...
 $ balance: num  730 817 1074 529 786 ...
 $ income : num  44362 12106 31767 35704 38463 ...


logit_fit <- glm(default ~ balance, data = Default, 
                 family = binomial)
            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -10.6513    0.36116     -29 3.6e-191
balance       0.0055    0.00022      25 2.0e-137

\(\hat{\eta} = \text{logit}(\hat{\pi}) = \ln \left( \frac{\hat{\pi}}{1 - \hat{\pi}}\right) = -10.65 + 0.0055 \times \text{balance}\)

Interpretation of Coefficients

The ratio \(\frac{\pi}{1-\pi} \in (0, \infty)\) is called the odds of some event.

  • Example: If 1 in 5 people will default, the odds is 1/4 since \(\pi = 0.2\) implies an odds of \(0.2/(1−0.2) = 1/4\).

\[\ln \left( \frac{\pi(x)}{1 - \pi(x)} \right)= \beta_0 + \beta_1x\]

  • Increasing \(x\) by one unit
    • changes the log-odds by \(\beta_1\)
    • multiplies the odds by \(e^{\beta_1}\)
  • \(\beta_1\) does not correspond to the change in \(\pi(x)\) associated with a one-unit increase in \(x\).
  • \(\beta_1\) is the change in log odds associated with one-unit increase in \(x\).

Interpretation of Coefficients

            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)  -10.651       0.36     -29        0
balance        0.005       0.00      25        0
  • \(\hat{\eta} = \text{logit}(\hat{\pi}) = \ln \left( \frac{\hat{\pi}}{1 - \hat{\pi}}\right) = -10.65 + 0.0055 \times \text{balance}\)
  • \(\hat{\eta}(x) = \hat{\beta}_0 + \hat{\beta}_1x\)
  • \(\hat{\eta}(x+1) = \hat{\beta}_0 + \hat{\beta}_1(x+1)\)
  • \(\hat{\eta}(x+1) - \hat{\eta}(x) = \hat{\beta}_1 = \ln(\text{odds}_{x+1}) - \ln(\text{odds}_{x})\)
  • One-unit increase in balance increases the log odds of default by 0.005 units.
  • The odds ratio, \(\widehat{OR} = \frac{\text{odds}_{x+1}}{\text{odds}_{x}} = e^{\hat{\beta}_1} = e^{0.0055} = 1.005515\).
  • The odds of default increases by 0.5% with additional one unit of credit card balance.

Pr(default) When Balance is 2000

\[\log\left(\frac{\hat{\pi}}{1-\hat{\pi}}\right) = -10.65+0.0055\times 2000\]

\[ \hat{\pi} = \frac{1}{1+\exp(-(-10.65+0.0055 \times 2000)} = 0.586\]

pi_hat <- predict(logit_fit, type = "response")
eta_hat <- predict(logit_fit, type = "link")  ## default gives us b0 + b1*x
predict(logit_fit, newdata = data.frame(balance = 2000), type = "response")

Probability Curve

What is the probability of default when the balance is 500? What about balance 2500?

  • 500 balance: Pr(default) = 0
  • 2000 balance: Pr(default) = 0.59
  • 2500 balance: Pr(default) = 0.96

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

  • glm() uses maximum likelihood to estimate the parameters \(\boldsymbol \beta\).

The log-likelihood is given by

\[\ell(\boldsymbol \beta) = \sum_{i=1}^n \log \, p(y_i \mid x_i, \boldsymbol \beta).\]

Using Bernoulli probabilities, we have

\[\begin{align} \ell(\boldsymbol \beta) =& \sum_{i=1}^n \log \left\{ \pi(\mathbf{x}_i)^{y_i} [1-\pi(\mathbf{x}_i)]^{1-y_i} \right\}\\ =& \sum_{i=1}^n y_i \log \frac{\pi(\mathbf{x}_i)}{1-\pi(\mathbf{x}_i)} + \log [1-\pi(\mathbf{x}_i)] \\ =& \sum_{i=1}^n y_i \mathbf{x}_i' \boldsymbol \beta- \log [ 1 + \exp(\mathbf{x}_i' \boldsymbol \beta)] \end{align}\]

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

  • We can use Newton’s method that needs the gradient and Hessian matrix.

\[\boldsymbol \beta^{\text{new}} = \boldsymbol \beta^{\text{old}} - \left[ \frac{\partial ^2 \ell(\boldsymbol \beta)}{\partial \boldsymbol \beta\partial \boldsymbol \beta'}\right] ^{-1}\frac{\partial \ell(\boldsymbol \beta)}{\partial \boldsymbol \beta}\]

x <- as.matrix(cbind("intercept" = 1, Default$balance))
y <- as.matrix(as.numeric(Default$default) - 1)
beta <- rep(0, ncol(x))  ## start with 0

optim(beta, fn = my_loglik, gr = my_gradient, method = "BFGS", 
      x = x, y = y, 
      control = list("fnscale" = -1))$par # "fnscale" = -1 for maximization
[1] -10.6454   0.0055


  • Confusion Matrix
True 0 True 1
Predict 0 True Negative (TN) False Negative (FN)
Predict 1 False Positive (FP) True Positive (TP)
  • Sensitivity (True Positive Rate) \(= P( \text{predict 1} \mid \text{true 1}) = \frac{TP}{TP+FN}\)

  • Specificity (True Negative Rate) \(= P( \text{predict 0} \mid \text{true 0}) = \frac{TN}{FP+TN}\)

  • Accuracy \(= \frac{TP + TN}{TP+FN+FP+TN} = \frac{1}{m}\sum_{j=1}^mI(y_j = \hat{y}_j)\), where \(y_j\)s are true test labels and \(\hat{y}_j\)s are their corresponding predicted label.

A good classifier is one which the test accuracy rate is highest, or test error rate \(\frac{1}{m}\sum_{j=1}^mI(y_j \ne \hat{y}_j)\) is smallest.

Confusion Matrix

pred_prob <- predict(logit_fit, type = "response")
table(pred_prob > 0.5, Default$default)
          No  Yes
  FALSE 9625  233
  TRUE    42  100

Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve


# create an object of class prediction 
pred <- ROCR::prediction(
    predictions = pred_prob, 
    labels = Default$default)

# calculates the ROC curve
roc <- ROCR::performance(
    prediction.obj = pred, 
    measure = "tpr",
    x.measure = "fpr")
plot(roc, colorize = TRUE, lwd = 3)

Area Under Curve (AUC)

Find the area under the curve:

## object of class 'performance'
auc <- ROCR::performance(
    prediction.obj = pred, 
    measure = "auc")
[1] 0.95

Threshold 0.5 Issue

  • Threshold 0.5 may be inappropriate if
    • imbalanced data or skewed class distribution in training
    • the cost of one type of misclassification is more important than another.

Optimal Threshold

From the training set, choose the cut-off that maximizes

  • G-Mean \(= \sqrt{\text{TPR} * \text{TNR}}\) (geometric mean of TPR and TNR)

  • Youden’s J index \(= \text{TPR} + \text{TNR} - 1\) (the distance to the 45 degree identity line)

that minimizes

\(\sqrt{(1 - \text{TPR})^2 + (1 - \text{TNR})^2}\) (the distance to the optimal point)

Optimal Threshold

With Youden’s J index, the optimal threshold is \(3.18\%\).

Multinomial Logistic Regression

Multinomial Logistic Regression

  • When classifying \(K > 2\) categories, we can consider multinomial logistic regression1.

  • The response should be nominal. If \(Y_i\) is ordinal, we should consider the ordinal regression.

Multinomial Data

Rows: 200
Columns: 3
$ prog  <fct> vocation, general, vocation, vocation, vocation, general, vocati…
$ ses   <fct> low, middle, high, low, middle, high, middle, middle, middle, mi…
$ write <dbl> 35, 33, 39, 37, 31, 36, 36, 31, 41, 37, 44, 33, 31, 44, 35, 44, …
  • Response:
    • prog (program type: general, academic, vocation)
  • Predictors:
    • ses (social economic status: low, middle, high)
    • write (writing score)

Multinomial Logit - Variable Association

Program type is affected by social economic status

ses      general academic vocation
  low         16       19       12
  middle      20       44       31
  high         9       42        7

and writing score

          M  SD
general  51 9.4
academic 56 7.9
vocation 47 9.3

The level (coding order) of prog is

[1] "general"  "academic" "vocation"

Multinomial Logit - Setting Baseline

multino_data$prog2 <- relevel(multino_data$prog, ref = "academic")
[1] "academic" "general"  "vocation"
  • \(K = 3\) (academic = 1, general = 2, vocation = 3)
  • For ses, low = 1, middle = 2, high = 3

\[\log \left( \frac{Pr(prog = general)}{Pr(prog = academic)}\right) = b_{10} + b_{11}(ses = 2) + b_{12}(ses = 3) + b_{13}write\]

\[\log \left( \frac{Pr(prog = vocation)}{Pr(prog = academic)}\right) = b_{20} + b_{21}(ses = 2) + b_{22}(ses = 3) + b_{23}write\]

  • \(b_{13}\): All others held constant, the amount changed in the log odds of being in general vs. academic program as write increases one unit.

  • \(b_{21}\) All others held constant, the amount changed in the log odds of being in vocation vs. academic program if moving from ses = "low" to ses = "middle".

Multinomial Logit - nnet::multinom()

multino_fit <- nnet::multinom(prog2 ~ ses + write, data = multino_data, trace = FALSE)
summ <- summary(multino_fit)
         (Intercept) sesmiddle seshigh  write
general          2.9     -0.53   -1.16 -0.058
vocation         5.2      0.29   -0.98 -0.114

  • glmnet() uses the softmax coding that treats all \(K\) classes symmetrically, and coefficients have a different meaning. (ISL eq. (4.13), (4.14))

  • The fitted values, predictions, log odds between any pair of classes, and other key model outputs remain the same.

glmnet(x = input_matrix, y = categorical_vector, family = "multinom", 
       family = "multinomial", lambda = 0)

Multinomial Logit - Estimated Probability

  academic general vocation
1     0.15    0.34     0.51
2     0.12    0.18     0.70
3     0.42    0.24     0.34
4     0.17    0.35     0.48
5     0.10    0.17     0.73
6     0.35    0.24     0.41
  • Hold write at its mean and examine the predicted probabilities for each level of ses.
dses <- data.frame(ses = c("low", "middle", "high"), 
                   write = mean(multino_data$write))
predict(multino_fit, newdata = dses, type = "probs")
  academic general vocation
1     0.44    0.36     0.20
2     0.48    0.23     0.29
3     0.70    0.18     0.12

Multinomial Logit - Probability Curve

Generalized Linear Models

Generalized Linear Models in Greater Generality

  • Conditional on \(\mathbf{X}\), the response \(Y\) belongs to a certain family of distribution.1
    • Linear regression: Gaussian
    • Logistic regression: Bernoulli, binomial, multinomial
  • Model the mean of \(Y\) as a function of the predictors.
    • Linear regression: \(E(Y \mid \mathbf{x}) = \mathbf{x}'\boldsymbol \beta\)
    • Logistic regression: \(E(Y \mid \mathbf{x}) = P(Y=1 \mid \mathbf{x}) = \pi(\mathbf{x}) = \frac{e^{\mathbf{x}'\boldsymbol \beta}}{1 + e^{\mathbf{x}'\boldsymbol \beta}}\)
  • In general, with \(E(Y \mid \mathbf{x}) = \mu\), the link function \(\eta(\mu) = {\bf x}'\boldsymbol \beta\) transforms \(\mu\) so that the transformed mean is a linear function of predictors!
    • Linear regression: \(\eta(\mu) = \mu\)
    • Logistic regression: \(\eta(\mu) = \log(\mu/(1-\mu))\)


  • Normal and logistic density are symmetric, while Gumbel is right skewed.

Probability Curve

Other Topics

  • Repeated measures and binomial logistic regression

  • Regression diagnostics for binary data

  • Penalized logistic regression

  • Exponential family

  • Poisson regression